We facilitate the nurturing environment of our church family through various projects:
Visitations-Hospital visitations to the sick and home-bound.
Outreach-Visitation to long-term care facilities.
Angels in Aprons-Volunteer “chefs” that help create and deliver meals for members who are faced with illness or calamity.
Prayer Tree-We lift-up those whose names have been brought forward for our prayerful attention. Send prayer request to Marcia at: caringcircle@umcbrunswick.org–No last names, please.
Birthday Angels send out birthday and happiness messages through mail or e-cards.
Yarn Crafts of Prayer Shawls-We meet weekly to socialize, pray, interpret scripture as we knit or crochet shawls for those who benefit from prayers and hugs, people recovering from trauma, illness, or loneliness.